Participation of cocoa farmers in farmers field school in Idanre Local Government area of Ondo State, Nigeria
land preparation, information;, constraints, Agricultural extensionAbstract
This study investigated the participation of cocoa farmers in farmers’ field school (FFS) in Idanre local government area of Ondo state. A multistage sampling procedure was employed for the survey of the farmers. The data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages and means. The analysis of the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers revealed that about one-third (36.7 percent) of the cocoa farmers were aged 51 years and over, indicating an aging workforce, while 48.3 percent of them were married. About 29.2 percent of the respondents had secondary school education, 44.2% had household sizes of between 3 and 5, and 30.8% had farm sizes of between 2 and 2.9 hectares. Major factors determining participation in FFS were age, level of education, credit sources and extension contacts. Farmers participated highly in land preparation while level of participation is low in control of pests and diseases. Severe constraints faced were lack of skilled trainers and time-consuming sessions. There was a significant relationship between socio economic characteristics and participation in FFS. There is the need to strengthen farmer-based groups to serve as platforms for disseminating extension services information to farmers which could engender the participation of members in farmers’ field school. Moreover, the relevant authorities should provide farmers with credit facilities to enable them to purchase productive resources such as land.